Lift Station Cleaning, Maintenance & Repair


Powell Sanitation offers lift station cleaning and maintenance to keep your lift stations working properly.

It’s important to schedule regular lift station cleaning and repair maintenance.
If lift station cleaning and repair maintenance is not performed regularly, grease, soil and other trash can accumulate causing breakdown. When a lift station breaks down, untreated sewage could flood into streets, homes and business’ causing costly damages & cleanup.

Lift station cleaning involves cleaning of the valve vault, wet well and control panel as well as the inspection of the floats, piping and wet well to check their condition. It also involves line jetting to ensure that there is an even flow of water.

Cleaning is done by a combination of hydro-washing, pipe jetting and vacuum withdrawal leaving the lift station clear of debris to ensure that the system performs properly.

Lift station repair work includes the replacement and repair of pumps, valves, guide rail systems, and control panels as well as the coating of eroded concrete walls.

Powell Sanitation has expertise in maintaining and repairing all components within lift stations including pumps and floats. Additionally, we provide the following preventative maintenance for these facilities: cleaning, inspections, and bypass pumping.
